Thursday 20 November 2014

Life in Competa

Yesterday dave and I changed the plant pots outside the house. They looked very nice in the sunshine. Then I went to our sewing group meeting. I had the key as my friend had been away last week.
We were a mixed group too.. spanish, german, dutch, and English all enjoying sewing our projects.
Today I went to play our fortnightly scrabble game... and managed to win twice. :)

Sunday 9 November 2014

Draught excluder

Dave and I went to Torre del Mar on Friday to get our permanent spanish resedencia certificates.  We had an early start to the day,  six o clock to get the bus.  Anne from the Assessoria made the process very easy and quick.
I am making a draught excluder and have decided to machine applique some fish on the front. It is going to be a quarter circle shape to minimise the draught underneath the door. Here it is so far...

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Sewing group

We have begun a little sewing group here in Competa. We met last week but the sevillana class were using the room so we have changed our day to Wednesday.
It will be interesting to see what people bring to do...