Wednesday 31 August 2011

More necklaces

This one is made with adventurine, shell and green glass beads

this one is made with citrine, clear quartz and glass beads

this one is made with glass beads
Decided the covers on the sofa's needed washing, so did one today, ( we have two)  which is now drying on the line Hopefully will be able to wash the other one tomorrow,
I have been busy making a few more necklaces this afternoon, as well as testing out the parasol, (which works) to make sure it will be easy to set up on Saturday, as I do not want to be in the sun for long. I think sunscreen will be the order of the day.
Also made a pork and rice curry for supper tonight :D

Sunday 28 August 2011

Bangles and wire wrapping

Gold plated wire wrapped pendant with leopardskin beads
Today, after my husband and I tested that the folding table I will use for the market on Saturday was stable and would not fall down, I made a few bangles and a pendant...
Copper wire with crystal beads

Gold plated wire with crystal beads

Silver plated  wire with crystal beads
Silver plated wire with blue goldstone beads

Gold plated wire with Leapoard skin beads

Saturday 27 August 2011

Leather necklace

Decided to go out of the norm and made this necklace on a leather thong, attaching an eclectic mix of beads onto shorter lengths with a bit of macrame (lark's head knots) and making a sliding knotted closure

Friday 26 August 2011

Busy day

Just been having a mega busy day today, laying flamenco paintings onto a table to see what is good and what isn't ... beading another necklace with gemstone chips...repairing a neighbour's broken necklace for her, and changing the shop display.
Still no sign of the Bonsai seeds sprouting :( but will keep them nice and moist..

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Painting and beading

Today, I decided to do a bit of beading with some seed beads and gemstone chips to make an Egyptian style collar, which has turned out to look really nice

I then went on to paint another dancer, this time with a blue dress for a change...
Still no sign of the Bonsai seedlings, but I am glad to say the tomatoes are getting bigger every day :D

Monday 22 August 2011


I also made sure it was the perfect length for her as well.
Have been busy making an order for a blue necklace and some earrings to go with it. The lady could not make up her mind which earring beads she liked so I made two pairs and will see which one's she prefers

Saturday 20 August 2011

More necklaces

Yesterday was a busy one, I made two children's multi coloured crystal necklaces, a child's bracelet and a pair of earrings to match a necklace I had sold.
My friend loved her Flamenco dancers as well
Today, I watered the tomatoes and bonsai seeds although there is no sign of action there yet
( I may also have some strawberry seedlings growing)
and made this necklace to order in red multi coloured lampwork and glass beads
I also made anothe necklace in Obsidian snowflake and Hematite beads
I especially like the random effect of the pattern on the stones

Thursday 18 August 2011

Flamenco dancer number four

well, finished painting the flamenco dancer series in black/white/red combo for my friend I hope she likes them (fingers crossed) here is the final one
Also painted an old mug tree in matt black paint to hang bracelets from in my jewellery display.

I am also going to take the Bonsai seeds out of the fridge and let them think it is spring. I will give them a bit of water and lots of TLC ..

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Bangles, plant cuttings and cold soup

Today I  have been making two bracelets that were ordered last week I had to wait for the crystal beads, which arrived this morning in the post

and I also made these earrings with tiny blue flower beads and some chain.
I have also planted some succulent cuttings for a friend, and made some Andalucian gazpacho soup (cold) so I am looking forward to eating that with some crusty bread mmmm

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Another two Flamenco Dancers

Yesterday was the local festival of night of the wine, so there were loads of tourists here in the village.
It was very very hot here, so I decided to stay in the shade and paint another Flamenco dancer, which I felt turned out quite well. I am still painting for the commission so it was another Black/white combo
So today, I painted another one just in red, which turned out alright I think?
I feel I have been improving as I am learning how to use watercolour and as the saying goes, practice makes perfect so I need to practice more : D

Sunday 14 August 2011

Improved Flamenco Dancer

Well, having been to the casa, one of my friends has ordered four Flamenco dancers in black/white/ red combo so I have been painting one today, and following some constructive criticism from my daughter here is the improved prototype...
Please let me know what you think?? thanks.

Wednesday 10 August 2011


My daughter gave me some tomato seeds on her last visit here, and they seem to be growing OK so far...:D

Well, having tickled the tomato flowers with a paintbrush to spread the pollen about to cross fertilize them, ( I only grew then in the greenhouse in the UK and don't know if the bees/insects do it here or not) We seem to have at least two tiny tomatoes growing on the vine.
I have been offered lots of advice from the Spanish neighbours who are very interested in their progress so far.. Also my method of winding the vines around some string to keep them upright instead of using canes.
Still stirring the Bonsai seeds in the fridge...

and doing lots of watering during the evening when the sun has gone down to keep the plants alive..

Sunday 7 August 2011

Necklace and earrings

Managed to get more beads in the post on Friday to finish the orange/black seed bead necklace today
It looks very nice

And I also managed to make a few pairs of earrings with a bit of wire wrapping

I also began to paint another Flamenco dancer, which I will hopefully finish off tomorrow

Saturday 6 August 2011


I have spent some time today making bangles with silver plated wire which I braided and wire wrapped with assorted colored crystals for an order.
I also played with the digital camera, tripod and flat surface and believe I have managed to take some half decent photos of them.??
I also stirred the Bonsai seeds in the fridge.
 The tomato plants that my daughter sent to me as seeds need lots of water in all the heat here (no greenhouse needed) so I am watering twice a day...
Still have not heard if I have a stall for Noche del Vino, but the wind up camping lamps have arrived safe and sound in the post..

Thursday 4 August 2011

Bonsai and gardening

Still stirring the Japanese Larch in the fridge, but I can't wait to plant the seeds out.
Marie in the florist is very interested to see what happens to them.

We called in for a larger plant pot to repot a plum tree that has been given to us, and this is now looking a bit happier. I have been dead heading plants and tickling tomato flowers to help the tomatoes set.
This time of year it is best to water at night so we have been hosing down at about 11o'clock.
Have the afternoon session of scrabble to look forward too this pm.
I also sold a few bits of Jewellery and also got some orders to make up.
Also  provisional good news for a stall in the charity markets to be held in Competa, so fingers crossed.
Still playing with the camera for close up shots as well ...

Monday 1 August 2011

Necklaces and Bonsai

Well, the bonsai seeds for Japanese Larch have arrived today and need to be put into the fridge for 3 weeks to make then think winter has been and gone so they will germinate...
It has been cloudy here today (a welcome change) so I have been necklace making in relative comfort to the sounds of my neighbor singing in Spanish this green one, which is a mixture of Aventurine and glass beads

 and this lamp work  and shell bead necklace as well.