Thursday 27 October 2011

Kimono shoes

As it has been raining today, and the esparto grass class was held yesterday for some reason. I decided to make some baby Kimono shoes (thanks to Magny for the pattern)

I have nearly finished the first one
Inside out

the right way round

How cute is this?
I still have to sew in the insole, and modified the pattern so the whole shoe is padded.
They look so cute I may have to make myself a pair :D

Sunday 23 October 2011

Drying out

Ah  well still drying out from yesterday...
So today I continued with the doorway painting for the other half...
I am still not convinced that the shadows are ok ??? So I am waiting until the picture drys out thoroughly and will have another look at it.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Market day

Well, market day dawned.. we got to the plaza safely the trolley loaded, much more organised than last time.
We set up the new table, which worked very well, and I laid out necklaces, hung up earrings and placed a few watercolours out on the table, whilst Dave went and collected the folding chairs :D
A lovely cup of coffee later, and got some orders for paintings...
A few spots of RAIN? and a light shower... The other half went back to the house for the umbrella... but sadly the rain became too heavy for most stallholders who began to pack up their wares.
I went to find Marion the organiser to pay her for the space, and we decided to call it a day before everything got soaked through. I think we were lucky as we were back in the house within 15minutes, while others had tried to cover their stalls and were struggling to clear the water from the roofs of their stalls without ruining their stock.
Ah well, there is still the Christmas market on the 3rd :D

Thursday 20 October 2011

Painting for the other half

A watercolour I have started to paint for the other half, as he always wanted one of a doorway?
Have been to play with the esparto grass today, and we all enjoyed it.
Still braiding... do not yet know what we are going to make, but there will be lots of it??

Sunday 16 October 2011

Having fun

I have been a busy bee this week. firstly, on Thursday, I had my first try at weaving esparto grass.
The class was taught by an old man called Pepe, who was very patient with all of the new learners.
The grass was hard to manipulate at first, and reminded me of braiding the denim I used for the rug I made last year, but by the end of the lesson, we all managed to have a presentable piece of braid. I need to now buy some grass from the ferreteria (hardware store) to carry on braiding.
Esparto grass braid so far..

More wine glass charms in a black/white theme for a friend

Anothe view of the esparto grass braid
 It is another lovely sunny morning here and later on I will begin to paint some more watercolours to sell at the Market next Saturday.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


I have been deadheading flowers and also planting seeds.
I hope the pansies will produce a little bit of colour over the winter here.
I will also have to start over again with the Japanese larch and put them in the fridge

Sunday 9 October 2011

Wine glass charms

We are going out today for lunch at a friend's house.
We discussed taking flowers/ wine/ a plant... but I decided to make her some wine glass charms instead.
I thought that they turned out looking nice?

Thursday 6 October 2011

Looking for patchwork gift ideas

The ladies association in the village is on the lookout for patchwork patterns for gift items to sell in aid of funds. So I have been scouring the internet for ideas, small and easy to do, which we will be able to sell.

Monday 3 October 2011

Mission accomplished

winging it's way.... Hope the cardigan reaches it's destination soon
The buttons were a surprise find, and go well with the cardigan, Thanks to the lovely Julie, who saves them. :D

Sunday 2 October 2011

Finished knitting

I have finished knitting the cardigan and need to get some buttons for it tomorrow.. fingers crossed they have some that will look nice :D

Saturday 1 October 2011

Japanese larch

Absolutely no sign of the Japanese larch :(   (think I may have to start again)
I have been deadheading flowers, taking cuttings of fuschia and carnations and having a bit of a garden plant pot clean up and clear out day so it is looking very tidy :D