Monday 30 January 2012

lemon and orange curd

Today, I have made a few jars of lemon and orange curd
the lemon and orange juice were whisked together with eggs, sugar and butter for 20 mins in a bowl over some simmering water until it thickened
butter, eggs and sugar added to juice and zest

whisked until smooth and thick

and put into sterilised jars mmmmmmmmm

Saturday 28 January 2012

Esparto grass basket and patchwork tablerunner

As promised, a couple of photos of the finished esparto grass basket!
Detail of the handles

The basket ready to carry something!
Just need to finish a decorative flower in woven grass to finish...
A close up of the patchwork star (each one is different)

and the runner so far...
I believe the star is a version of the Ohio Star set on point.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Watercolour paintings and old jumpers

Yesterday, I got a lot of compliments and comments on the sweater I was wearing.
It is actually older than my daughter, and I guess it must be thirty years since I knitted it,
so I decided to post a picture of it
I am also posting a photo of sweaters I knitted from a Kaffe Fassett pattern for my daughter and myself
(especially for Magny)
I remember all the scraps of wool it took to knit these (also a few years ago)

I was also playing with painting trees in a snowy landscape, and painted two similar views.
I managed to frame one, and am looking for a frame for the other one, which I am hoping to sell for €10 each. (with the frames included)

Monday 23 January 2012


Well done to the girls of the knitting/crochet club....
A lot of work and concentration went into the making of the decorative crysanthemum flowers, which can be made into brooches/hairclips etc...

Friday 20 January 2012

Hope the good weather keeps up

Due to the continuing recent good weather here in Andalucia, Competa has been visited by more tourists than is normal for the time of year.
This meant that I have sold a necklace and pair of earrings from a shop! Yippee..
So I will be paying the taxman :DDD

Monday 16 January 2012

Crochet dahlia

It was knitting/crochet today.
I managed to finish knitting the fronts of the jacket, and started the sleeves.
Also crocheted a dahlia alongside Megan, and we managed to do one each!
I think I will turn mine into a brooch..
The different colour centre makes it stand out. The pattern I followed also makes the petals curl.
The petals were crocheted in two layers. I may also make a few more...:D

Saturday 14 January 2012

Patchwork block 2

Here is a photo of the second patchwork practice block.
I decided to keep the same colours in these samples, as I may eventually sew them together...
I realised that my piecing method left a lot to be desired..mainly due to NOT measuring the seamlines correctly.
I had been relying on the cutting mat to draw the lines, which was really never going to be accurate.
Once I re drew them, the sewing was a doddle.
I also followed Dolore's (the teacher) explanation of sewing the centre eight points together using single thread.

As you can see, it still needs ironing, but I am pleased with the cross like pattern that the colour combination created.

Friday 13 January 2012

Esparto grass handle..

Yesterday was esparto grass weaving..
I was very pleased that the main basket was finished.
I was learning how to make a plaited cord to make a handle for the basket.
This is a also a five strand plait, but the esparto grass strands are twisted to make the cord stronger.
You can see the difference in this photo
 The plait is then trimmed with scissors to make it neat.
I may get to complete the basket next week or the week after I hope.
Here is a picture of the Christmas cactus on the windowsill, which is just about to flower.
It is very special to me as I got the original cutting from either my grandmother or Dave's mother, and due to the sun here I nearly lost it the year before last (it was far too hot for it) but it is now doing well. Our daughter also has a cutting back in the UK

Monday 9 January 2012

Nearly a basket??

Have been making some more esparto grass plait and sewing it onto the basket like shape
It does look like a basket now I think
I now need to find out how to finish the ends and make a handle for it...
Also went along to the leisure centre where I managed to begin to teach three more ladies how to crochet,

Sunday 8 January 2012

More esparto weaving

I have been weaving more esparto grass together for my basket today, sitting on the terrace with my apron on as it is quite a messy process
Making the plait

It is a 'five'

All the loose bits get trimmed before sewing together

The fibres from the grass get everywhere!
The plait seems to be never ending, but it is sewing together really well, althought the very large needles can be vicious! It is also very hard on the hands, which are not used to doing this, and keep getting cramp OUCH!!

Friday 6 January 2012

Bank Holiday

Although it has been a bank holiday here in Andalucia today, the sun has been shining.
Mr G and I were sitting on the terrace, getting very hot and trying not to get sunburned!
I have been doing some patchwork homework.. a test patch in green, and think I may finally have cracked it!
Thank you cutting board and precise measuring and marking :)
I still have to sew the four squares together and iron them all properly as well.
I also managed to change the jewellery display in the shop.
Looking forward to going to Malaga tomorrow for tea

Monday 2 January 2012

Have had a couple of busy days as my daughter and her boyfriend were here for New Year.
They left this morning :(
Normality resumes tomorrow with patchwork :)