Thursday 29 August 2013

Patchwork quilt presentation and thank you

The ladies of the Competa patchwork club met yesterday to present the winner of the beautiful quilt Immaculada, made by the sister (Innocencia Dona) of our teacher (Dolores Dona).
We met in Bar Fernand's and took lots of photos of the event.
I was very pleased, as I was the only foreigner able to attend, to be able to follow and contribute to the conversations in Spanish, as I am now aware how many mistakes I make,
At first I found this a bit off putting as I was very nervous of making a fool of myself, but all my friends are correcting  me when I do, and I am now speaking with a bit of confidence.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has shown an interest in my blog and popped in to visit, taking the pageviews to over 20,000...
I am amazed that so many people from all over the world are interested in my life and hobbies here in the wonderful village of Competa.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Patchwork and crochet

Yesterday the knitting and crochet club here in Competa had its first meeting following our relocation. We are now based in the youth centre as the old meeting place in the leisure centre has been closed for at least a month.
Thanks to the Mayor and Adela in the town hall for making the venue available for us.
I had several visitors at the door who were wondering what had been arranged and I just informed them of the new time too.
I collected several phone numbers in case of further changes.
One of the girls managed to finish her first ever piece of crochet. . A mobile phone pouch and was very pleased with her achievement.
Well done ! Here is the photo.
Meantime I am continuing to work on the quilt top. .

Monday 26 August 2013

Couscous cake and rain

Yesterday I make a healthy recipie cous cous and yoghurt cake.
Dave had spotted it on one of his friends facebook posts ( I think she is on a diet) so cajoled me into making one. It is cooked in the microwave and turned out very spongelike. In our case, tasting of strawberries. It is quite acceptable but isnot a decadent chocolate cake ha ha
Tiday also sees a change of venue for the knitting and crochet club to the youth club as the leisure centre has been closed for at least a month.
It also rained overnight how strange is that?

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Crochet border

Sitting on the terrace this afternoon in the shade as it is 29 degrees I have been crocheting the border of the bolero I am making for myself.
I have been kept company by an interesting group of people including Bon Jovi ,Rod Stewart,  Frank Sinatra ,Shakira and Seasick Steve.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Screams from the sitting room

While watering our plants tonight the tiniest gecko managed to get into the sitting room and hide behind the door. It was hard to tell who got the bigger  fright Dave or the gecko.  I managed to gently ease it outside with the fly swatter
The view of the clouds coming up the valley tonight made us realise how high up we are in the mountains

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Tomatoes peppers and beans

One of my spanish friends Angelina has kindly given me another two huge bags full of  tomatoes and peppers. This is the second time she has done this in the past few days as she has a glut on her finca
I have already sliced loads of peppers and frozen them, and have been spurred on  this after noon to look for tomato recipes online. They are absolutely delicious, reminding me of the allotment I had in the UK. .
Thank you so much for your kindness.
Muchisimas gracias chica xxx

Saturday 10 August 2013


I have had a productive day today..
I took the plunge and offered some watercolours of the church tower to one of the shops here in the village on a sale or return basis.
I was thinking of one or two but all of them were taken,  so fingers crossed as Thursday is the local celebration of night of the wine and we will have hundreds of tourists in competa .
This afternoon I began to fill in the large triangles on the quilt top taking the design from some of the material which is part of the quilt and enlarging it.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Anas jumper and tablet cover

Yesterday at the knitting and crochet club here in Competa,  I was the only foreigner there..
I helped Rosa  to follow the crochet pattern to make a shrug, and also redid a ribbed v neckline. Anas mother managed to finish the beautiful jumper she has been
making for a while...
Here is the photo.
Today I made a tablet cover, complete with matching bias binding and I will be on the lookout for a big Button to finish it off.

Sunday 4 August 2013

Hangout s

This week thanks to our daughter my husband and I downloaded an application for our mobile phones called hangouts.  We first had to create an account in google + but we have been fortunate enough to share the sunset here in competa via live video link..
The quality of which has been fantastic so far.
Daves friend even managed to speak a bit of Spanish to Pepe from the Museo del vino who was also amazed to be speaking to someone from England. .
I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not in an episode of star trek or dreaming. . ha ha