Friday 25 November 2011

Sorry I have not posted for a while, but I have been busy.. honest
Monday was the first intercultural knitting/crochet club meeting and I was teaching someone how to read a crochet pattern in English who had not done it before in English.. successfully I hope?? I decided to buy some wool and then began to knit a jumper
Tuesday was patchwork day...
Wednesday Spanish lesson followed by Intercambio (chat)
knitting a jumper for an arrival due in December I have finished the back and just started knitting the front

It is knitting up really well, but because of the difference in quality between english and spanish wool, I had to get thicker wool and adjust the tension accordingly (All since Monday's Knitting crochet club)

Following on with the esparto grass weaving, mine was long enough to begin sewing the coils together to make a basket

The needle is very vicious and takes no prisoners...elastoplast to hand..

It is a similar technique to braided rug making though :D
Thursday I went with my friend to buy some patchwork material to make some more baby shoes to sell (hopefully) at the Christmas market next week on the 3rd December, Here's hoping it decides not to rain this time, Followed by a dash to get to the esparto grass lesson, where I began to sew the braid together.
Today, Friday, was a quiet one, so following shopping, housework and making a cheese and onion pie and sweet mince pie for our supper (the first of the season as the other half will eat them all...) I carried on with the knitting :)

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