Friday 21 March 2014

Crochet and watercolour painting

I have been busy here in competa, painting some watercolour portraits in different colours for my daughter and her fiancé, which are done in a 'pop art' style.
Also I have crocheted a monster toy as a present for my neighbours grandson who will be 3 in April.
I also bought some old frames from our local charity shop, and painted some miniature baby birds in watercolour and ink which turned out well and are now hanging on the staircase wall. I did not realise until I had finished that the frames were a set that clipped together too.
My mobile phone is still with Samsung in Madrid, and has been a miss since January, when it was first sent back under is so much easier to post blogs directly...
The weather in Spain is improving day by day, and it is now not getting dark until 20.00 hrs, which will be 21.00 hours when the clocks go forward next weekend :)

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