Saturday 29 December 2012

Making orange and Lemon curd

Thanks to my neighbours, who have orange and lemon trees, we received a bag full of them, so I decided to make some orange and lemon curd, with the help of Dave.. I zested three lemons, and half a dozen oranges, and Dave juiced them all. To this mix, which was put into a heatproof bowl, I added a mug and a half of sugar, a half pound of butter cut into cubes and six eggs. This was then placed over a pan full of simmering water.
The mix was whisked, and the butter slowly started to melt

very slowly over the course of about twenty minutes, the butter melted, and whisking the mixture continuously,  over the simmering water, it began to thicken

It was then poured into sterilised jars and sealed. We ended up with nine jars of delicious curd, which I hope my friends will appreciate. The first couple of jars will be given to Carmen.. :D
The weather has continued to be mild and sunny, and we have been sitting on the terrace enjoying  it most afternoons, I even needed to water the plants today, as there has been no rain.

 Then I decided to paint a watercolour, practising painting trees.
The light is very different when there is no shade, but it turned out ok I think  :D

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