Saturday 12 January 2013

Patchwork Sewing Machine far..

The sun has been shining here in Competa, but due to the wind it was too cold for Dave and I to sit on the terrace....
However, this allowed me to go into my little room at the top of one side of the house, which I use as my workroom, and use up some scrap material which was given to me which I am going to make into covers for my sewing Machine and over locker.
So far I have cut out a lot of triangles, sewn them to make squares and am arranging them into light and darks.
Here is the arrangement so far...
looking at the picture, I have to change the top right one around, I can see that it is upside down...I will most likely move it altogether..
It is still light here as I am writing this, but the sun will set in another 1/4 of an hour (about half past six). So I will leave the sewing until tomorrow.
The jumper I am knitting is almost finished, I just have to complete the top of the final sleeve and then Knit the collar. I will post photos soon.

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