Saturday 19 January 2013

Rain...and watercolour painting...

The weather has not been too good here today... very windy with lots of rain, which is needed of course for the crop of olives. So shopping this morning meant a dash through the rain...In my wellington boots!!!
The good thing is because I was not outside the house for long, I began to paint another watercolour of the church tower, concentrating more on the initial drawing than before, which despite the time it takes, improves the end result..(at least that is the theory)..
Here it is so far with the sky and the first wash of the tower, with the beginnings of the featured brickwork..
I have also finished the aran tunic I have been knitting, and will get the other half to tkae a photo of yours truly wearing it after it has been pressed....
MMMMM what to make next??????

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