Monday 29 April 2013

Finished corners..

Managed to finish the corners of the quilt top Yippee!!!
Thank goodness I never took up maths as a career... all the squares were the wrong size!!
Anyway, when I finally figured it out they sewed together on the machine like a dream...
Here is a photo of the top so far Just waiting for final sizes from the daughter

I am very pleased with it.
Rosalita one of the ladies I know from patchwork class brought in her beautiful crocheted bedspread to show me.. hours and hours of work which was much appreciated by the knitting/crochet and patchwork girls

gorgeous eh?. close up details.
Saturday morning found me with some of the ladies from our patchwork class selling things we had made in the market to raise funds so we can give heart shaped pillows to ladies suffering from breast cancer.
Many thanks to Dave for helping to carry the table and chairs down.

Thursday 25 April 2013


My daughter and her fiance loved the watercolour portrait and have asked for a purple/aubergine one for their bedroom wall :D
I also have been trying to make small oblong patchwork stars to go in the corners of the quilt I am making for them... several unsuccessful attempts later they are not quite. right but . the angles of the triangles seem very tricky, and the seams do not want to lie flat/ or open up
I am trying to sew them by machine instead of by hand, which is not as simple as it first appears .. I believe there are several ways to do this but I am just getting confused.....
never mind here is one attempt, you will be able to see the mistakes :D
Tuesday at the patchwork class Rosa brought in her bedspread that she had crocheted many years ago to show me.. it is beautiful, and enormous. I took several of the ladies to help to open it up so we could see it.

Friday 19 April 2013


I sat near the front door this afternoon painting this portrait of my daughter and her Fiance in watercolour.
I was having trouble as it was drying very quickly, but I think it has turned out ok?
Will it be good enough to hang on the wall??
I will wait to find out what my daughter thinks of it....

Thursday 18 April 2013

View from the terrace

How lovely it is to have the sunshine back again...
We woke up this morning to this stunning view over the top of the clouds below in the valley.
We were in the sunshine :D
22 degrees here this afternoon too :D

Monday 15 April 2013

Habas.or beans oranges and lemons

My neighbour handed me a bagful of goodies yesterday.
The sweetest oranges which are delicious, and also some lemons.
Carmen also asked if we liked beans... so  I have podded the beautiful fresh broad beans and am going to make a risotto with them tonight
mmm can't wait and I am getting hungry just looking at the photo of them ha ha..
I am also going to look for lemon recipies online... or juice and zest them for lemonade making during the summer...

Friday 12 April 2013

Thank you all

Many thanks to everyone who has read this blog and helped make the pageview count over 16,000
As promised here are some pictures of my latest projects..
This is going to be a table centrepiece for our dining room table. It is turning out larger than I thought it was going to be, but is looking really good so far, thanks to Jean who gave me the cotton as she did not want it.
Fortunately, the bright yellow matches in , so I have been lucky in that it will not cost me anything but a bit of time.

And this is the first of five small stars I am making for a quilt top for my daughter and her Fiance.
Her newly decorated bedroom is a deep aubergine colour, so it should blend in nicely.
I am making the top using my sewing machine and will eventually hand quilt it all.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Warmer weather, knitting and patchwork

The weather seem to be finally warming up here in Andalucia. 19 degrees today.
Knitting and crochet class was nice yesterday, where I was working out the patterns for a couple of the ladies.
The background material arrived via the local shop for the quilt I am going to start.
I gave the girl a couple of material swatches and told her what sort of thing I was looking for and the service could not have been better. She went to Malaga, and came back with three bits of material to choose from. They were all very nice and I had a bit of a dilemma selecting just one!
So patchwork class tonight saw me finally cutting out the vast majority of the bits to sew together.
I left the very large quarter triangle squares until the last minute to make sure they do not stretch.
Having cut the material out, I came back home early, as I really wanted to sew the quilt top on my own machine, which was a leaving present from all the lovely people I used to work with.
So guess what I will be doing???
Pictures to follow

Thursday 4 April 2013

Quilt top with borders

Lots of cutting of borders at the patchwork group here in Competa, on Tuesday, resulted in a lovely quilt top being sewed together yesterday afternoon..
Here it is on top of our double bed to show it off
It has turned out to be larger than I thought it would...
So a trip to the shop is in order.
I have also washed the material ready to start a quilt top for our daughter.. need to get at least 2 meters of background material for that too...
I am looking forward to beginning hers.