Thursday 30 May 2013

Quilt assembly

Tuesday, during patchwork class, the ladies of the Competa patchwork club helped me to assemble the quilt I am making.
I was very glad that it had passed muster from the class teacher.
 After we had mopped the floor, the backing material was laid flat and stuck down with parcel tape. This was then made into a 'sandwich' of bamboo wadding material and finally the quilt top was placed onto the floor.
 Here is a photo of my friends Marie and Auxiliadora who were part of the team helping to tack the sandwich together ready to be quilted. Dolores was also kind enough to provide tips on quilting designs.
And here is part of the quilt top being assembled by Loli, which will look lovely too.
Last night Dave and I attended a double celebration for our friends, who were having a party for friends and family, marking his 75th birthday and their golden wedding anniversary, and today I was playing Spanish scrabble in the square with a couple of friends.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Finished quilt top

I finally managed to get the size required from my daughter... a bit like tracking the scarlet pimpernel..
so I set to work making the quilt top to fit.
I needed to add quite a bit to the original design.
 which was the 'Brother star'design five small stars and a large one.
 To make the quilt larger, I them added the smaller stars in each corner
and eventually added a border at each end of scraps cut into rectangles..PHEW!!
Just need to add the batting and backing material and spend the rest of the summer quilting it by hand :D

Thursday 23 May 2013

Heart cushions for charity

Tuesday found me helping the ladies of the patchwork club to wrap heart cushions for the second week running. I think we made over 400..

 Here is the quilt top Rosa has made,  and the one below by Maria, both using the same sampler blocks.
 and this one has been made in co-ordinating colours by Marie Angeles

 Yesterday, Wednesday a trip had been organised to deliver the heart cushions to both the spanish cancer association and the breast cancer charity. Eighteen ladies from the village (and one man who came with his wife) spent the day in Malaga. We were treated to food, drink and managed a walk around the port too.

Friday 17 May 2013

A week of keeping occupied and out of mischief

Monday found me translating a knitting pattern from english into spanish...
Tuesday at patchwork we were making heart cushions for charity....then went out for meal
Wednesday my neighbour who broke his leg recently called me to put on a support stocking..
Intercambio was a very short meeting too as only myself and one Spanish lady turned up to chat..and Dave
and I recieved an invitation to a wedding
Thursday Dave and I began 'operation house tidy' for the summer then we went out for a pizza
Friday morning I had sold 2 pairs of earrings and a necklace Yippee!!! Followed by a bit more housework..
and... IT IS RAINING!!! apparently the jet stream has gone south again.. :(
Strange weather indeed for May here in Andalucia

Monday 13 May 2013

'Scruffs' and the view from a window

A busy couple of days here in spain.
Saturday, I had a stall at the 'Scruffs' dog show in aid of the local charity.
Many thanks to Julie, Jim and Beth for helping to save the day by providing us with tables and parasols
a lot of money was raised in a good cause.
we managed with 2 tables next to each other and the display looked good, and we actually won a prize on the raffle, but as it was a very large bag of dog food and as we do not have a dog we donated it back..
We recovered from a very long and hot day by going out for a meal, where the view from the window caught my eye...
This was about 9pm as the light was fading...and it was still very warm. Possible painting???
Sunday was a day of total relaxation which is rare for me. I tidied up my little workroom and even managed to throw some rubbish away too!!

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Thank you!

Just a quick note to thank everyone who has looked in on my blogspot and helped to make the pageview count over 17,000.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Patchwork crochet and a bit of painting too...

Well, Dave and I managed to get to Torre del Mar on the bus, whilst waiting for it one of the ladies I know came up and asked me to collect her sons spectacles from being repaired, gave me his name, the address of the opticians and €50 to pay for them too..
Anyway this was accomplished after I had to ask the way to the shop not realising that the street was divided into 2 parts....
We then called at the patchwork material shop where I bought the wadding and backing material to finish the quilt I am in the process of making for my daughter
Here it is hanging over the banister ready for action... But I will have to wait because she away and I am still waiting for the correct measurements...
I have also been making some more earrings ready for the stall I will be running at this years 'Scrufs'show at the Pavo Real on Saturday, in aid of 'Action for animals' charity
Here is an example with some lovely connectors I bought ..
I have begun another watercolour of a wine glass and some grapes on a plate too..
here it is so far

and finally here is the crochet  table runner progress so far. At the knitting/crochet club yesterday, Angelina and I taught a young lady how to begin crochet too

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Patchwork blocks

Today, is a holiday here in Andalucia, Intercambio is cancelled because of the holiday, so I am having a bit of a holiday too!
I have been making different patchwork blocks by machine
here are some examples
this one is called a 'pickle dish' block. The curves can be a bit tricky to sew, and as you can see one of the corners needs to be redone.

and these little beauties are made from some scrap material ,  I have been cutting out squares of 5cm and sewing them together (properly this time.)

Dave and I are hoping to go to Torre del Mar tomorrow on the bus to get some picture frames and quilt material and backing too, so it will be an earlier start than normal for us.