Friday 21 September 2012

Busy week..

This week, on Tuesday, I went to a Spanish friend's house for tea, and managed to talk and gossip in Spanish for 2 hours!!
I didn't know that I knew so much :D
Wednesday was the normal Intercambio meeting, where we foreigners and Spanish meet to talk in Spanish and English and improve our speaking and listening skills.
Yesterday, I met up with friends and played a game of scrabble in Spanish, which we all enjoyed. We allowed ourselves a good look in the dictionary and also helped each other out, as we are all learning.
Dave and I also celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary yesterday, and went out for a lovely meal at The Museo del Vino here in Competa. We had to stop the owner Pepe opening a bottle of champagne for us, as Dave does not drink, and I had already had a few glasses of wine as well...
The food was delicious too!
Tomorrow, Saturday, I will be taking part in The leisure time fair here in the village, representing both Intercambio and the Intercultural knitting and crochet club....
never a dull moment eh?...

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