Tuesday 20 November 2012

Meeting ladies with breast cancer

Yesterday, at the knitting club, Ana's mum was very grateful for the knitting chart I had drawn for her, And our new member Carmen managed to learn a crochet stitch, so I lent her some wool and a crochet hook so she could practice at home during the week.
Today, in Competa, a large group of about 80 ladies joined us in the village, most of them belonging to the Spanish breast cancer group aecc.
The ladies of the village patchwork group have been making lots of heart pillows to give away free to ladies in Malaga suffering from breast cancer, and we were giving more away today.
It was an early start for me, up dressed and ready for nine, as we were making sandwiches for breakfast (10.o'clock here) but when Rosa ans I went to collect the bread buns they were still in the oven and we had to delay things by half an hour until they were ready.
We soon had a small production line going, in a local shop, which turned out to be really much quicker here as we were using oil on the bread instead of buttering all the buns, filling them with a selection of ham, cheese, and salami.
We then carried them all carefully to the town hall, where we waited until the ladies arrived, busying ourselves with cutting cakes and putting out cups..
Our patchwork group after a few speeches and a poetry reading by Luisa,  gave lots of heart pillow to individuals.
The ladies were then taken on a guided tour of the village by the Mayor, and we met again in the casa cultura museum, had a glass of local wine and made our way back to the town hall for lunch.
This was followed by lots of singing and dancing, and I did not get back home until 4pm.
Hopefully I will manage to finish the fairisle jumper I am knitting for an expected arrival tomorrow
I just have one side of the neck to finish and the neckband, and bands around the armholes, which I am knitting in a two colour rib

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