Saturday 29 December 2012

Making orange and Lemon curd

Thanks to my neighbours, who have orange and lemon trees, we received a bag full of them, so I decided to make some orange and lemon curd, with the help of Dave.. I zested three lemons, and half a dozen oranges, and Dave juiced them all. To this mix, which was put into a heatproof bowl, I added a mug and a half of sugar, a half pound of butter cut into cubes and six eggs. This was then placed over a pan full of simmering water.
The mix was whisked, and the butter slowly started to melt

very slowly over the course of about twenty minutes, the butter melted, and whisking the mixture continuously,  over the simmering water, it began to thicken

It was then poured into sterilised jars and sealed. We ended up with nine jars of delicious curd, which I hope my friends will appreciate. The first couple of jars will be given to Carmen.. :D
The weather has continued to be mild and sunny, and we have been sitting on the terrace enjoying  it most afternoons, I even needed to water the plants today, as there has been no rain.

 Then I decided to paint a watercolour, practising painting trees.
The light is very different when there is no shade, but it turned out ok I think  :D

Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year to everyone who has been kind enough to visit my blog over the year.
Dave and I are celebrating by ourselves, as our Daughter and her Fiance have only recently been over to visit us, so it will be a quiet one.
The weather is being very kind to us, and even the Spanish neighbours are saying how unusual it is, as it is normally very very cold here in Andalusia, and/or raining, so we have been lucky this year to be able to sit on the terrace in the sunshine.
Feliz Fiestas a todos

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Beautiful views and a bit of sunshine

Christmas is approaching very fast, so despite looking around the shops I decided on an alternative style christmas tree this year. It is fashioned from a bunch of willow twigs, and instead of decorations, I am using christmas cards, which are hung from decorated wooden clothes pegs... The fairy lights are also not on the tree, but in a vase, Oh and there are also a few patchwork stars (home made) hanging around too.
 The knitting club had its final meeting for the year :( but at least Ana's mother has finished knitting her jacket so she can wear it when she begins her new job in London, so she is very pleased indeed with it,and at least the pattern is being recycled by another Spanish lady now. :D Faviola has also crocheted enough granny squares to complete her dog jacket, and is now sewing it up too.. Well done everyone.
 Patchwork class was also the last one of the year, but I was interrupted by Dolores, who called out that the coast of Africa could be seen really clearly. The dark line of the horizon shows the Atlas mountains. We are so high up in the mountains here in this part of Spain that this is visible on really clear days (proven via google maps)
 So when class finished I took these photos from the terrace of the sunset and view as I was bringing the washing inside.
The weather here at the minute is also really sunny and warm too, so here I am sitting at the top of our steps at about 4.30 pm, doing a bit of knitting, not quite short sleeves as I was sitting in the shade. We had our front door open until about 5 o'clock.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Watercolour and knitting

The knitting club proved to be busy on Monday, one lady, who is making a poncho for her grand daughter, had knitted too much on one side, and unfortunately we had to pull a bit out to make it into a square, but I think it will work now. (we did not have a pattern for this)...and then we grafted the stitches of both sides together so the seam would be invisible.
Another girl was trying to follow a chart for crochet to make a scarf, which we managed to sort, while another girl was mastering the art of making granny squares.
I have been busily painting views of the tower to complete an order.
 The layers of watercolour are taking a while to dry
 As you can see, the nature of the paint makes each one totally different, and I will be doing a bit more work to complete them both.
To relax in front of the television, I have begun to knit an Aran tunic for myself, complicating the patterning by using a different centre for the middle panel. I intend to make it quite close fitting, with raglan type sleeves, and a cosy polo/cowl neckline. This is the back, and I just need to decide if I want pockets in the front or not?

Sunday 9 December 2012

Christmas market in Competa (and watercolours)

Yesterday was the Christmas Market here in Competa.
I had packed all my things the day before and only had to get up at seven o'clock to get myself ready.
The organisation is getting better and Dave and I were surprised at how smoothly we managed to set up the table and the display despite the wind. Helped by several pins, and a brick wrapped in a plastic bag to stabilise the earring board
Here is a view of the stall \after we first set up the display, showing  the  placing of my watercolour paintings 

And this photo shows the new earring display board, which worked really well, as the earrings were suspended from very thin elastic, which made it easier for customers to select their choice  

Here is another view of the stall, after we discovered a way to gain vertical space by standing watercolours up at the back.
 The day proved to be very successful, and I sold most of my watercolour paintings, as well as lots of necklaces and earrings.
One lady, who bought one of the 'flamenco dancers' to take back to England with her, was kind enough to say she was  ever so happy to get the opportunity to meet the artist too. I had to pinch myself when I realised that she meant me..
Here is a view of the stall for the patchwork group T D Jazmine ( of which I am also a member) who also did a roaring trade in selling aprons and getting donations  to make heart cushions to give to ladies suffering from breast cancer
Also due to customer requests at the market, I have included a selection of watercolours I have painted previously .

Friday 7 December 2012

Ready for the Christmas Market

After changing the display board in the shop this morning,I got all the things packed and ready for the Christmas Market, which is being held tomorrow in the place of the traditions, next to the Church.
The jewellery is all polished, and I even got some battery operated fairy lights to lend some Christmas spirit.
Dave and I did a bit of shopping today as we normally do the weekend shop on a Saturday because as we do not have 'jobs' to go to, we can shop every day, as the locals do for the freshest produce.
Here are the boxes ready to transport.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Getting ready for Christmas..

I managed to finish the two watercolour paintings of the church tower, and I am glad to say that the person who ordered them both will be taking them over to England to give them as presents :D

 Yesterday at the knitting club, we had a small tea party, where we all took something to eat. This was varied between English Spanish and German food which was all delicious, and I was glad that the sleeve pattern I worked out for Anna's mother actually fitted !!!! Whoopee!!!
And this is the Santa motif I have been sewing onto an apron for the patchwork group to sell.
This Saturday is the annual Christmas market here in Competa, so I have been getting prepared for that too!
Hopefully the weather will be good to us?

Friday 30 November 2012

Paintings of the tower..and visitors

This week Dave and myself have had our daughter and her boyfriend over for a week's holiday, which has completely thrown us out of our normal routine.
I went to the knitting club and patchwork meeting as normal, where the ladies were going to put their applique skills into practise and sew santa motifs onto aprons to sell for Christmas.. I will start mine over the weekend.
I only offered to sew one because, despite having visitors, one of my friends asked for a pair of watercolour paintings of the church tower to be ready by Wednesday as they will be going to the UK for presents.
We also had a wonderful visit to the Alhambra.
Plus I am getting ready for the Christmas market next Saturday here in Competa too !!
Will try and post some photos over the weekend

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Meeting ladies with breast cancer

Yesterday, at the knitting club, Ana's mum was very grateful for the knitting chart I had drawn for her, And our new member Carmen managed to learn a crochet stitch, so I lent her some wool and a crochet hook so she could practice at home during the week.
Today, in Competa, a large group of about 80 ladies joined us in the village, most of them belonging to the Spanish breast cancer group aecc.
The ladies of the village patchwork group have been making lots of heart pillows to give away free to ladies in Malaga suffering from breast cancer, and we were giving more away today.
It was an early start for me, up dressed and ready for nine, as we were making sandwiches for breakfast (10.o'clock here) but when Rosa ans I went to collect the bread buns they were still in the oven and we had to delay things by half an hour until they were ready.
We soon had a small production line going, in a local shop, which turned out to be really much quicker here as we were using oil on the bread instead of buttering all the buns, filling them with a selection of ham, cheese, and salami.
We then carried them all carefully to the town hall, where we waited until the ladies arrived, busying ourselves with cutting cakes and putting out cups..
Our patchwork group after a few speeches and a poetry reading by Luisa,  gave lots of heart pillow to individuals.
The ladies were then taken on a guided tour of the village by the Mayor, and we met again in the casa cultura museum, had a glass of local wine and made our way back to the town hall for lunch.
This was followed by lots of singing and dancing, and I did not get back home until 4pm.
Hopefully I will manage to finish the fairisle jumper I am knitting for an expected arrival tomorrow
I just have one side of the neck to finish and the neckband, and bands around the armholes, which I am knitting in a two colour rib

Wednesday 14 November 2012

The new display board/ new knitting/crochet club member.

Yesterday was the patchwork group meeting, which saw me trying to teach the ladies in my bad Spanish....
As it was a practical class, we managed between us to continue with our applique.
Today, Wednesday, I gave the display board another coat of matt black paint, and it is looking good.

This is the picture that I painted over

Dave and I made sure we measured the board and placed the holes ready for the small cup hooks to hang the jewellery from

Ta da...
Just need the hooks in when it dries. It will be much more secure than the Heath Robinson pinboard that is in use now.
Also today, a Spanish lady called at my house, complete with all her years of knitting and crochet work, asking if she could join our club on Monday. Judging by all her hard work, she could easily be the teacher!
I am hoping that she will be able to help some of the Spanish ladies too whilst my Spanish is improving.
I was very happy to let her know that the club is totally free, as the premises are provided by the town hall, and that she would be very welcome to join us.

Tuesday 13 November 2012


The weather has been getting colder here in Spain, so Dave and I have been keeping warm, making tomato soup, and have gotten the heaters out of their summer hiding places.
I even went to the expense of buying a new pair of slippers, and have begun to look at the winter wardrobe too. :(
The shop where I sell jewellery was being decorated, so I am taking the opportunity to re-vamp the display board, which I hope will be a bit sturdier than the original. It has just had a coat of matt black paint, and will have proper hooks to hang the jewellery from. It should be up and running by Friday.
Yesterday was the knitting/crochet meeting, I managed to teach someone else to both do a bit of crochet and knit/purl knitting, whilst making up the pattern for set in sleeves for one lady and casting on for Julie on circular needles which she had not used before... so I was very glad of the couple of drinks Dave and I had in Miguel's bar later.

Friday 9 November 2012

Lovely sunset from my workroom

Today, it has mostly been raining in this part of the world, and I spent most of the day wearing my wellies, but just before sunset, the sun broke through the clouds below us to create a beautiful sunset view from my little workroom

We are so lucky to be living here in Competa.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

The Competa knitting and crochet club meeting was held as usual yesterday.
I showed a couple of spanish beginner crocheters how to make a motif from a spanish magazine.
We all worked really hard to understand one another, and follow the demonstrations, and they managed to make a few motifs... well done.!!
Here is one of the motifs.

Rosalina was also keen to show off the shawl she is making, crocheted in a basketwork type of stitch we found in my very old Readers Digest book which were written (not charted) it will be lovely and warm when it is finished.

The knitting was also in full swing. This lady is knitting this for her daughter, and  I had to translate and talk her through the pattern line by line to make the cables, which also look lovely.
Dave and I have also received a compact steam cleaner via Amazon today, which we tried out!!
The grout in the kitchen and the electric hob are really sparkling now!! We had to restrain ourselves from trying to clean everywhere at once ha ha..